
Sweetest Rosemary

Sweetest Rosemary

Blooming over the garden hill
while the red robins & small toads swiftly sway
into tall green grass calling for a day

up the meadow field,
daffodils & those pretty lilies
they were blossoming to the sun

as for rainy storms,
every drop washes each stem each leaf
with a  little melody that tells the rhythm of  fairy tales

oh lightening sky
lovers praise & dance
until the moon peers through the violet clouds

& yet
Kiss the delicate stars
Praying around the summer trees

Glass of nights dazzling
Upon the landscapes where the fireflies & grasshoppers
Cradle their dreams

Crickets sang the lullabies
Ladybugs slept on a thousand leaves
& I could smell the fragrance of love

Oh love,
Which my heart follows through the
Shadows of a

Sweetest rosemary
Where I‘ve found u
With a flower in ur hand

Looking at me as
U put it in my hair
Oh we were silent

Giving me ur arms
& u carry me
Warmth of embrace

We dance
In harmony in peace
All in dusk of twilight

Only at
Sweetest rosemary
A secret garden for soulmates
Copyright ©2006 kai croft


Pat Paulk said...

Kai, now this is my favorite!! Very well done!!

polona said...

this one is beautiful, kai!

Kai said...

thanks guys

floots said...

i'm with pat and polona
this is my favourite so far
especially those last three lines

Kai said...

thanks floots