
origami bird oct 20 2007

origami bird

origami bird

she flies out my window

waving her notebook paper wings

as she said, “good bye, miss amorous poetess”

i wave back a goodbye to her

sadly sitting there

on my bed with a

small broken smile

upon my face

she was all gone

in the autumn breeze

disappearing her shadow

from the bluest sky

even before my dark brown eyes

she flew away

in the falling golden leaves

but the beauty of her reflection

lightens my soul

almost like a spirit

and now that origami bird,

she has made me fly


fly with the origami birds

beneath the blushing pink sun

while i twirl and sway

surrounding pretty colored clouds

yet i have found my heart

folding into rhythmic sweet words

that fall out of my fingertips

becoming the romantic poetry

when the whole nation could hear me

beyond the bright rainbow skies

reciting my soul to the world……

but i’m not an origami bird

i am an origami butterfly---------




polona said...

beautiful sentiment, origami butterfly!

J. Andrew Lockhart said...

this is beautiful!

Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D. said...

Lovely Kai. Be that butterfly that you are.

floots said...

this one is a knockout kai
thank you so much

Kai said...

thank you everyone!

Anonymous said...

This is so original Kai and works wonderfully.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Ellen! Kai, you've outdone yourself.

Carol said...

Very nice,Kai!

mystic rose said...


what a beautiful spirit !!

its a glorious poem.