
your blue3-8-08

your  blue


your blue,

i only swim

 in your blue

like a wagging fin mermaid

oh i only swim, my dear

 in your tears

when you cried

i swim

 i swim my heart in your blue

your blue

and your  love is so blue

the color of skyblue

i added stars

my moonlight

 even words that just flow

cos i wonder if your love wanders in


calling it blue, blue love

 your blue, blue love

like a jaybird hums

dancing it wings upon a shadow

and oh, this is your blue

your blue, bluest love


Margie said...

You are a true romantic, Kai.
Love this!


Kai said...


Anonymous said...

Sooooooooo romantic.

Yes said...

Kai, there is so much music in your poems, perhaps a musician could make them into songs!
This so flowing, I can see the blue, so real...blue means the same thing to me, too.

Devika Jyothi said...

My love is not blue...

slightly grey, need it?? :))

As firebird said, there's a music to it, Kai


Ugandan girl said...

hey girl...ok now i dont get why thiw never comes up on my reader...i really dont....

write me sometime...prissy1616@googlmail.com
love ya..xx

krystyna said...

Really, there is so much music in your poems. I'm sure one day
somebody will arange beautiful melody, and your favorite singer will sing...for you, and for me, and for all people....I hope my dreams come true.

I wish you wonderful week, dear Kai.