
I had a dream of someone gettin married...

I had a dream of someone gettin married....
Who's gettin married?
I don't see the bride, nor the groom...
There are a lot of people in the church...
There's a preacher...
I found a spot to park myself in the audience...
I dream of someone gettin married,
But who?
I may never know the person....
I was at a weddin, and didn't see the
Couple's faces...
Maybe it's not a weddin...maybe it's somethin....
Could be someone I know but can't recognize...
I'm not sure, it's unknown....
I think I had a dream of crashin weddings....
I went to a stranger's weddin, but don't know
The person's name....

So who's gettin married?
Nobody is the bride or the groom...
It's weird----
It's silly----


© Kai C. 8-9-17

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