
A human race poem 

We live in a world 
Where we laugh, where we cry
Where we bleed....
We live in a world 
Where our feelings spit at every corner....
We live in a world 
Where we're different 
And the same....
We live in a world 
Where we're ill, where we fuck up 
Nobody's perfect 
Nobody's better than nobody 
We're humans, 

Why is there hate? 
Why are we scarred? 
Why are we stuck in the past
Where we can't move forward? 

Are we one human race?
Are we?
Do we have divide ourselves from 
Each other?
Cos when we developed friendships and loves
We would stay with the people who are 
Brighten our days, right?

I don't get it
I know humanity is there in the eye
But we forget to look....
It's there 
It's not lost
The world chose not to take it until somethin
Terrible happened...

And it's a cliche to say that 
It has been said repeatedly over and over 
The world needs love...
The world needs love....
Without wars, without arguments..without anythin
That pisses us off....

We just want souls to get along with each other 
With no skin color, no disability, no sex orientation 
We're all humans all over the world so 

Why the truamas? 
Is it a part of human race?
Cos we're not taught to hate...
We're taught to love, and bring peace.....

The whole globe is ONE human race...


© Kai C. 8-15-17

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