
Sally Hemmings 

He touched me 

He touched my private parts

Why would he do? 

I’ve tried to fight back 

But he forcefully pinned me down 

And place his small dick inside me

And I cried.....

Tears flowin, 

Master Tom 

Make me bleed....

My pussy hurts.....

And he doesn’t care....

The pain is all I known..

The penetration of everyday 

And every night 

It was a routine....

President of the United States 

Raped me 

And I have no say.....

I bared his children....

Sex was all over the house

And it wasn’t love....

It was rape, smell like a patriarchal 

And racism will always take advantage 

Of a human being....

America is entitled to dehumanize 

However they want....therefore Tom on the 

Dollar bill got his wealth from my 


Now I see generations 


Are smilin and not smilin....

I don’t want them to smile 

And be excited 

Cos your 

Great great multiple grandfather 

Thomas Jefferson 


Me.....I don’t want y’all to forgive 

Him for what he did to me....

Rape is nothin to forgive 

And never forget

When history repeats itself...

That older man raped me

As a child....I was young....

And you had a rapist 

As a president in the White House....who ruled the country 

Way Before Donald Trump....

No wonder we can’t get over slavery 

Cos this is trauma that created cycles....

In school textbooks they lied 

We weren’t in love, 

He raped me....

He fell in love with my Melanated pussy....

He didn’t love me...

And I scared of him....I was frightening of 

How he look at me.....

His sterns gave me nightmares 


I cried, I was angry....

I was Stockholm...

I’m pretty sure 

He raped other Melanated women as well....


He’s the man, and he ruled the world...

So called white man who got it like that...

And it’s sad...we let him get away with it....

💔😢 © Kai C. 6-17-20

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