
What if I have to apologize for inkin the truth?

What if I have to apologize for inkin the truth?

What if I have to apologize for inkin the truth?
What if America forces me to say I'm sorry?
When I wanted to close my mouth and turn the other way 
I say what I mean, I mean what I say...
I won't take my words back, it's already out there 
You may burn my poems into ashes..Some people will agree...
I'm tired of this shit, tired of racism, sexism, ableism...
Why do I keep writin these issues? 
They're voices, they try to air themselves out...
So therefore, I don't need to apologize to America 
It is what it is-----
You may take my pen away, but you can't erase 
My honesty...
You and I both know what America looks like 
Behind closed doors...
America likes to pretend to be the most classic tale
When really, you keep oppressin people who are different...
You usually quiet us, you put us in the darkest room for so long 
While other folks go with their lives as they have too much money 
In the hands, in the pockets..
And the government has always been shady...
This doesn't surprise me, 
America doesn't give a damn...
Why should I apologize for the truth I place upon my paper?
I see a lot of true colors...
Even though people fought for us, die for us just to be free 
In this country 
We're still fightin...and it's a long fight....
And me, Poetry is my gun and I'm shootin the truth to your 
Cold blooded soul...
You can't stop me.
You can't tell me what to write...
I don't wanna write about rainbows and sugarplums..
If you think my lines are offensive, you complain how uncomfortable 
You are, 
I won't erase the truth, I put it out there and not apologize...
Cos the real deal is that a lot of people needs to wake up 
And smell the damn coffee...
You can give me a straight face all you want but 
I will keep writin the truth til my own last breath....

Get over yourself...
© Kai C.  3-2-17

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